Digital is the new kid on the horizon that promises a new wave of transformation. Firms are excited yet wary – what exactly is digital? Can it truly impact business? What does it entail to launch the firm on the path of digitalization?
In this first article, we explore what digital is, and, why you should consider digital seriously. We also explore what it takes to drive through the digital transformation, should you embark on it.
CDO Landscape – 2020
September 20, 2020/by Urzza PriyadarshiniWhy we need to hire a CDO now
June 20, 2020/by Urzza PriyadarshiniWhat is Digital Transformation
June 20, 2020/by Urzza PriyadarshiniWhen do you need a strategy function?
February 20, 2020/by Urzza Priyadarshini